Collaborative Projects

Proposed relocation 4 UVSQ DU (University diploma), planned to open during 2014.





project coordinator
Kleber Pinto Silva, REEDS-UVSQ
background and objectives

The four Diplomas concerned are:

1. The University Diploma in Economics and Property Management’ goal is to provide participants with a general knowledge base in the field of real estate to enable them to master the economic, legal and social work environment of real estate occupations. The outcome of this education means participants will be capable of :
• understanding stakeholders, regulatory demands and problems particular to real estate;
• understanding the economic issues of a real estate project in all its dimensions;
• making choices likely to avoid potential setbacks later;
• devising a strategy in the matter of property management

2. The University Diploma in Buildings, Energy and the Environment
This university diploma is intended to provide participants with a basic general knowledge in the area of sustainable development, buildings and energy which will enable them to master the origins of energy expenditure and environmental issues for buildings, from conception to utilization.
At the end of this teaching programme, participants will be in a position to:
• Identify stakeholders, regulatory demands and problems specific to environmental management and energies within buildings
• To identify prescriptions and measures for construction, renovation and management of a building to a high or very high environmental
• Of making choices likely to avoid later potential setbacks
• Of identifying the technical solutions available and the control tools and follow-up for managing technical equipment, energies and services.

3. The University Diploma in the Management of Technical Equipment and Property Services’s objective is to provide participants with a specialisation in the field of management and use of technical equipment and property services, with a focus on general services or facility management. The manager of general services or technical services manages at the same time the performance of an office building, a hospital or factory. He co-ordinates a collection of services (operational and maintenance techniques, reception/security/safety/cleanliness and hygiene) supervising different teams present and their different associated competencies. He ensures a good outcome for the different interventions. The person responsible for general services is strong in his management suggestions, his clients and sub-contractors.

The facilties manager is responsible for putting in place and following through on multi-techniques and multi-services delegated by the client enterprise, garanteeing the good functioning of the building. He is responsible for the satisfaction of clients and users. He must endeavour to optimise the contract links to his client and be attentive to the changing needs of them and client users on the site he manages. The manager of the facilities management site is the interface and mediator between the enterprise, its team and its client.

As a result of this teaching programme participants will be in a position to:
• Know who the stakeholders are, regulatory demands and problems specific to the management of technical equipment and property services
• Of understanding economic issues of the use of buildings in all their dimensions
• To put together, getting things operational and following a management strategy for technical equipment and property services.

4. The University Diploma in the Management of Property Operations is intended to give participants a specialisation in conducting property operations, educating works managers or those who want to supervise property works
The works manager is really a conductor of a project, the one who plans, coordinates and organises all the works together. He handles several teams of technicians and workers.

The manager responsible for supervising property works is a true section manager for projects, it’s he who develops the project, advises its directors or client, plans, coordinates and organises all the works together. He follows it all in order to account for the works, the project overall, from conception to delivery.

As a result of this teaching programme the participants will be able to:
• Know who the stakeholders are, understand regulatory demands and problems specific to conducting property operations
• understand economic issues of a property operation in all its dimensions
• identify stages of a project and the work methodologies
• put it all together, launching and monitoring a property operation.


The relocations are being done in partnership with the coordination of courses in architecture and urban planning, civil engineering and environmental engineering among the universities involved.

outcome and expectations

Proposed relocation 4 UVSQ DU (Undergraduate University diploma), planned to open during 2014.

more informations

REEDS, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, International Centre for Research in Ecological
Economics, Eco-innovation and Tool Development for Sustainability (REEDS)

- ULBRA (universidade luterana do Brasil),
- Unicamp (universidade estadual de Campinas)
- UNIFOR (Universidade de Fortaleza).


REEDS, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, International Centre for Research in Ecological
Economics, Eco-innovation and Tool Development for Sustainability (REEDS)

- ULBRA (universidade luterana do Brasil),
- Unicamp (universidade estadual de Campinas)
- UNIFOR (Universidade de Fortaleza).

Governance ePLANETEe Blue, RCE members