Teaching programmes

M2- Analyse économique et Gouvernance des risques (2015-2019)



Economic Analysis & Risk Governance (AEGR) is a fundamental component of virtually all scientific and technological fields, whilst also being intrinsic to a variety of social and economic processes. The main objectives of the course are as follows:

  •  To introduce students to the key concepts and practices surrounding  economics analysis and risk-governance processes as they can be applied to a range of industries, technological sectors, and socio-economic issues, as well as enable students to begin characterising and applying different models of good risk governance in different contexts
  • To apply all tools and instruments of economic analysis  to the specific problems of management and control of environmental risks , technological and industrial
  • To carry out economic analyzes - Evaluate public policies of prevention and risk management
  • To meet the needs of businesses, local, national and international authorities in this field.
  • To developed a Risk Governance Framework whose purpose is to help policy makers, regulators and risk managers both understand the concept of risk governance and apply it to their handling of risks
  • To build and develop of good governance policies that include transparency, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, strategic focus, sustainability, equity and fairness, respect for the rule of law and the need for the chosen solution to be politically and legally feasible as well as ethically and publicly acceptable.
  • To understand the rules, conventions, processes and mechanisms and is concerned with how relevant risk information is collected, analyzed and communicated, and how management decisions are taken. It applies the principles
  • To Providing insights to economics strategies
  • To analyzing global management methods, assessments  tools for sustainable development
  • To improve policy and and governance of  local government AEGR a pour objectif de former des spécialistes en économie du risque et du développement durable capables :


Master 2
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