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BROU Ettien


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BROU Ettien

Ettien BROU has a Master in Environmental Knowledge Mediation, Partnerships for Sustainable Development at the UVSQ, a diploma from the universities of Liège and Lyon and is a PhD student at REEDS (UVSQ) Master UVSQ . As part of his interest in the economics of development, his research theme centres on the balance be-tween the preservation of natural ecosystems and satisfying human needs. It supports the necessity of integrating local populations as well as regional stakeholders in the decision-making processes for sustainable development of natural resources. In his thesis entitled « Participative governance and sustainable management of natural resources », he explores the « INTEGRAL» method of multi-criteria and multi-stakeholder sustainable manage-ment of forestry stations in the Marais Tanoé (Ivory Coast). The issue is the promotion of concerted deliberation coupled with social training in a legal setting of participative governance through a focus of sustainable territorial development.
