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TCHANGO Frida-Audrey


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TCHANGO Frida-Audrey

Frida-Audrey TCHANGO comes from the Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV. She is tenured as a Master of Applied Economics specialising in « Economics and Management of the Environment and its Environmental Impacts». She began a thesis, under the supervision of Sylvie Faucheux, on the theme of management of natural resources in developing countries, particularly in Gabon. Having worked in the area of Master of the Management of Wildlife, she wants to deepen her research into the interactions between the development of an economically viable sector and sustainable management of biodiversity. She is interested in examining instruments and mechanisms for the exploitation and dissemination of environmental resources in the area of protection of biodiversity. She is also interested in assessing aspects of ecotourism; how careful management of natural resources can influence the politics of the governance of natural resources which could be applied in developing countries.
