Innovation Ideas/Diamonds

Fibre optic distributed temperature sensing (UU)


Innovation Profile


short description
Fibre optic monitoring of the subsoil energy balance of cold and heat storage systems 
Research project aiming at fibre optic monitoring of subsoil temperature profiles of cold and heat storage systems by means of distributed temperature sensing, using a 3D fibre network. The project will provide data on the variations in temperature profiles during eight seasons at five research locations in Utrecht, Delft and Eindhoven.
Insight in subsoil temperature profiles at five locations where multiple cold and heat storage systems are active, in order to validate the theoretical simulation models actually used, to develop a marketable monitoring instrument and to predict and prevent subsoil filter problems.
Data generated by means of longitudinal research at five different locations in the Netherlands will offer new insights on how to optimize the subsoil energy balance of cold and heat storage systems and by that, on how to optimize the energy and cost effectiveness of cold and heat storage systems as a whole.
See also: (in Dutch)
campus full address
Utrecht University Bestuursgebouw Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht the Netherlands
contact person/researcher/expert
Carolien van Hemel, cluster manager energy, Utrecht Sustainability Institute
key words
fibre optic, monitoring, subsoil, energy balance, ATES
creator of profile
Martine van der Woude
email contact person
visibility of the part "ii innovation profile"
origins of the idea
Research institution, Public-Private Partnership, User Driven (in market), Educational institutions
spatial scale
Higher scale (region or above) / society
primary use of project
Mixed use
sectors of innovation
Energy, Assets, Water
upscaling potential
Higher scale (region or above) / society
type of innovation
Technical, Educational/Knowhow
innovation status
Demo on Campus
time to market
1 – 2 years